Career Assessment

Career Assessment and Its Importance
Career Assessment: helps students increase their self-awareness and their understanding of the job market. Most career assessments follow the methodology that a student needs to understand their interests, aptitudes, values, and skills to determine where they fit within the job market. Because people need help with career decisions can be supported by understanding their resemblance to the following six ideal vocational personality types:
Realistic (R)
Investigative (I)
Artistic (A)
Social (S)
Enterprising (E)
Conventional (C)
Work settings can also be categorized by their resemblance to six similar model work environments. Because people search for environments that allow them to express their interests, skills, attitudes and values, and take on interesting problems and agreeable roles, work environments become populated by individuals with related occupational personality types.
Whether a youth has a mental disability, physical disability, or no disability at all, providing a career assessment can guide them in the right direction to best utilize their skills and talents.

Book Your Career Assessment
How much money you can earn in careers that match your personality
Your core strengths applied in a work environment
Career fields you should consider
Number of specific careers that fit you
Your leadership and management style
Your work personality energy
Your group performance style
Potential weaknesses in your work personality
Your quest - "what drives your actions"