Financial Literacy & Planning
We're providing everything your Junior Professional needs in order to prepare for success in today's world.

Financial Literacy & Planning
Financial Literacy & Planning: Planning for the here and now as well as the future. As teens and young adults begin working for the first time, or even embarking upon a new employment questions about job choices and what to do after high school are continuously on the forefront of their minds. With some teens planning on attending college and others unsure of their direction after graduation, the lessons in the Financial Literacy & Planning module explores the many different options young adults and teens have at their disposal in finding a career track that works for them. Exploring jobs that combine passion and profit, students examine different career and educational tracks and assess where they fit within the spectrum of choices, and recognize how taxes relate to income earned.
We will explore objectives such as, identifying career options and education or training required for different careers, naming sources of income, explain the relationship between income and taxes, demonstrate how to research and analyze different careers , exploring a dream job, employer benefits and how to access them, and understanding the paycheck and the breakdown of each section.
There are pre-assessments and post-assessments
There are handouts for each module
Students will also learn about planning for their future
The differences between 401K and 403K
Learning about employer options for retirement
Youth/Students will be able to carry this information throughout their life
Youth/Students will establish a bank account
Youth/Students will learn about direct deposit
Youth/Students will learn about debit cards
Youth/Students will learn about personal credit
Youth/Students will learn about credit cards
Youth/Students will learn how to access their Financial IQ
Youth/Students will also learn about the importance of paying their bills and paying before they are due
In accordance, Youth/Students will learn reason why it is important to maintain employment
In accordance, Youth/Students will learn why they should NEVER voluntarily leave one job before securing another
Youth/Students will learn how to read their bank statements