Post-secondary Counseling
We're providing everything your Junior Professional needs in order to prepare for success in today's world.

Maximum flexibility in the career decision making process is important in the early phases of Post-Secondary Education (PSE) planning. This includes gaining an awareness of the wide range of career pathway options and labor market realities and projections. The U.S. Department of Labor has created clusters of careers to help schools to provide instruction and monitor student experience. The following 16 broad categories encompass virtually all occupations from entry through professional levels, including those that require varying degrees of education and training.
Agricultural & Natural Resources
Business and Administration
Education and Training
Health Science
Human Services
Law and Public Safety
Government and Public Administration
Scientific Research/ Engineering
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Architecture and Construction
Law & Public Safety
Hospitality & Tourism
Information & Technology
Retail/Wholesale Sales & Service
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Choosing a career requires student exploration and planning. It is important that students connect the present to the future. It is essential for them to see how skill development and knowledge relate to future opportunities in postsecondary Education (PSE) settings and employment.
All students/youth will receive a Career Assessment. This is used to assess the way to learn more about how well a variety of careers might suit you. Career Assessments focuses on specific areas, such as skills, interests, or values. The assessment can be completed in less than ½ hour. Once the student/youth has completed the Career Assessment, his or her case manager will review the results and discuss the outcome and career matches. As a part of the post-secondary process, students will work through the Work-Based Learning Experiences in the field that they desire based on their Career Assessment. This can include job shadowing, volunteer work, as well as paid assignments.
Students will also go on field trips that will encompass college tours. The goal is for students/youth to meet with variety of staff members and faculty, campus amenities, and talk to some of the students. In accordance, we will communicate with advisors to provide information for various career fields and what is needed to complete the college coursework successfully.